Mulkia Murabaha and Saving Fund

Mulkia Murabaha and Saving Fund

Fund Information
Fund NameMulkia Murabaha and Saving Fund.
Fund CategoryPublic open-end fund.
The risk levelLow risk.
The minimum subscription10,000 Saudi riyals.
Fund ObjectivesInvestment in this fund aims to preserve capital, provide liquidity, and achieve short-term growth in capital as a means of saving for multiple categories of investors who wish to save in the short term in exchange for obtaining returns through investment.
Other fees and expensesa maximum of 0.50% annually of the net asset value.
Performance fee There is no fee.
Subscription and redemption feesThere is no fee.
Types of securities in which the Fund will primarily investThe Fund will primarily invest in money market deals, debt instruments, derivatives contracts, bank deposits, public money market fund units with a similar strategy, and public fixed-income debt instrument funds managed by institutions licensed and regulated by the Capital Market Authority. Or a similar supervisory body that is compatible with the Fund’s Sharia standards.
Dealing daysDaily - from Sunday to Thursday.
Unit price10 Saudi Riyals.
The indicative indicatorSAIBOR index, one month (Saudi Riyal).
The durationOpen-ended fund.
Expected returnsThe fund targets returns exceeding the current SAIBOR rate, which is equivalent to 5.5% annually.
File NameView
1Mulkia Murabaha and Saving Fund T&C View
Report NameView
2Quarterly Report - Q4 2024view
1Quarterly Report - Q3 2024view

How to subscribe Mulkia Murabaha and Saving Fund

Please fill out the questionnaire below, and company representatives will contact you to complete the procedures for subscribing to the fund.

  • Please enter a value greater than or equal to 10000.